KEILAH is NOT my Child-Mulamwah now Says-Kimeumana!

In the recent past Comedian Mulamwah and his ex-Girlfriend Carol Sonnie have been involved in dramatic digital war of words.

For the past few days, Mulamwah started by claiming that her ex-Girlfriend Carol Sonnie was involved in an affair with another guy and even got pregnant and aborted while they still together.

Today, in a post on his official Facebook page, Mulamwah wrote: 

KEILAH is NOT my Kid

Mulamwah broke up with Sonnie a few moths after delivery of "their Baby" and since then its been drama after drama through exchange of words.

As captured on the above screenshot of a post on his official Facebook page Mulamwah claims that "their Child" Keilah is not his biological Child.

It's now a matter of wait and see on what transpires next as we follow the dramatic turn of events.

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