Communication Authority of Kenya under the leadership of it's new Director General, the former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chief Executive Officer Ezra Chiloba has come up with robust measure geared towards ensuring security in the digital space and combating Cyber crime in Kenya.
The authority has given out a deadline of April 15, 2022 to all Sim cards holders in Kenya to register afresh failure to which punitive measure will be taken against them, including but not limited to a fine of not less than Kes. 300,000 and or a total switch off.
This definitely, has not gone well with Kenyans considering that one has to physically present themselves to the mobile networks prividers shops in Kenya which are normally characterized by long and tiresome Queues.
The Mobile Network providers in Kenya is currently dominated by Safaricom, Airtel, Telecom and partly Jamii Telcom.
Communication Authority of Kenya Said there would be no extension of registration beyond 15th of April 2022 and anyone holding unregistered Sim card by then will be switched off.