Evans Kidero Cleared to Vie for Homa Bay Governor's Seat as an Independent Candidate

Evans Kidero, the former Nairobi County first Governor under ODM party has been cleared by the registrar of Political parties to run for Homa Bay Gubernatorial race as an independent Candidate. 

Kidero, who up until the time he made the decision to vie as an independent Candidate was an ODM party life member and Raila Odinga's top supporter.

The decision to vie as an independent Candidate came after the Party (ODM Party) decides to issue a direct nomination ticket to Homa Bay  women representative Gladys Wanga.

Evans Kidero is considered the most popular and front runner in the race for Homa Bay Governor's seat after emerging top in all the opinion polls conducted in the past few months.

The most recent one being an opinion poll by Mizani Africa where Kidero was ranked first with 44.1 percent compared to his main competitor Gladys Wanga who was ranked second with 21.6 percent. 

All the other candidates scored below 10 percent meaning if an election is to take place today, Kidero would emerge victorious.

Whether this was a wise decision is matter of wait and see what would transpire in forthcoming August 9, 2022 general Elections.

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